Sunday, March 25, 2007

Professional Dreamer Week free gift!/ Class info

Here is the link to the free workbook offered in conjunction with PD Week, a 19-page Decision Making Guide.

This just in! - the audio from the teleclass has been posted. It is now on the Magical Download page that you get by email when you register for PD week. The audio is the second one listed on Monday's courses. Don't give up when you're listening and the sound goes off - that was due to technical difficulties and it will re-start shortly.

Contact information:,

Our teleclass, The Law of Attraction and the Bible, will be held on Monday evening, March 26th. It's 11 p.m. EDT. You need to register with PD Week to get the access information. Go to the website and click on "register now" - it's FREE. You'll find our bio info when you click on the blue star in Friday's column on the "events" page. If you miss it live or the lines are full, check back on the program page (which you get access to after registering) and you'll find the audio posted. We look forward to an enjoyable evening.

Cristi and Mike

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's launch day!

This day has been a long time in coming. I have been after my husband, Mike, to write a non-technical book that would appeal to a broader audience than the computer geek stuff he writes to pay the bills. Today marks the day that this has been realized and we're so excited!

For quite some time now we have been involved with learning, teaching, and applying the Law of Attraction. I teach it in classes and when working with clients in my Rapid Eye practice. He mainly uses it (although referring to it in more traditional ways, i.e., The Law of the Harvest) while counseling members of the congregation at our church, helping them to understand that their beliefs and behaviors have everything to do with what's going on in their lives.
When the movie The Secret came out, we were so thrilled and delighted. It was a wonderful thing to have it so clearly spell out and illustrate the Law of Attraction. For us it just built upon the belief we already had that God is in charge of the whole universe and whatever ways we apply the law are always subject to his will. Then came the attention from the media, and along with it came the backlash of negativity and criticism. Mike and I had already discussed the idea of a book outlining where this law was taught in the Bible, and the impetus really came when we saw the negativity and sometimes ignorance displayed by many, particularly those of the religious community. So, with material he'd already collected, he began writing like a mad man. The opportunity for us to be a part of Professional Dreamer week came knocking on our door just as he was nearing completion, and the timing couldn't have been any better. So, here it is, four days before we present our teleclass on this timely subject, and he has launched the book online.

We're so excited. We're thrilled. We're grateful. It was a wonder watching all of the pieces fall right into place because we knew if we'd tried to make it all happen ourselves, it wouldn't have worked out nearly as well or smoothly as this has. We had set some pretty big intentions of our own and we're now watching the universe do it's great work of organizing the details.

And this is only the beginning. There are numerous other books not far from completion. The book, The Law of Attraction and the Bible, is available for purchase as an e-book here. Eventually it will become a hard bound volume, but this was the quickest way to get the information out to the world.

Mike will be sharing plenty of thoughts and insights on this subject by teleclass through
Professional Dreamer week. The teleclass is scheduled for Monday, March 26, at 9 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time, and is free. You only need to go to the Professional Dreamer Week website to register.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Law of Attraction and the Bible

Have you seen the movie "The Secret"? It's been out for just over a year and has caused quite a stir. It teaches and illustrates the Law of Attraction, or in religious vernacular, the Law of the Harvest. Oprah has devoted two full shows recently to the subject, and it's been a best seller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you haven't seen it yet, it's most definitely worth a look. You can watch it online at or order yourself a copy.

I'm a religious person. I hold a belief that God and His son Jesus Christ, created me, the world, and everything in it. I believe He created me in His image and wants me to experience joy while on this earth. I believe that I am a co-creator with Him and that our creating began before my arrival on this earth. I also believe He's still allowing me to create as I go along, and that I am attracting to myself experiences, both positive and negative, that I believe on some level that I need to have.

I believe that my pure and whole spirit, as he created it, knows very well who I really am. My spirit knows and understands this journey and what I need to experience so that I can, in this physical realm, learn and grow and someday return to the God of it's creation. What's going on in my life is not random. I am not a victim of anyone else's behaviors. If I understand the Law of Attraction, as taught in the Bible as well as other modern day religious teachings (although that is not the term used for it), then I understand my accountability and how I can consciously make new choices day by day.

I have been learning and teaching the Law of Attraction for some time now. Because of this, I take full responsibility for all of my past experiences and for those showing up today. My husband, Mike, has too, embraced a full understanding of this law. Like me, he is a very religious person, and has been given a wonderful gift of understanding scripture. Once we were introduced to the law of attraction, we felt that it was familiar. We began to understand it as an eternal principle.

We watched the Secret time and again, and totally "got it" that God was most certainly behind all of our abilities to create. As Mike said at one point, "Of course this whole earth is God's manifestation" and we will attract to ourselves only what He allows because He is ultimately in charge. To us, there was never any question, and we felt that it was implied in all we were hearing.

It seems there had been some rumbling already occurring regarding why God seemed to be "left out" of The Secret. Then when Oprah featured the creators of the movie, and the sales went sky high, the rumblings became tornadoes. Just yesterday I read that a well known author and teacher was calling it "dangerous". When we became aware of these rumblings, Mike and I decided it was time to show that this law really was an eternal principal, that it truly is found throughout the Bible, and that we can use it to create joy in our lives. Hence, the writing of the book The Law of Attraction and the Bible. It will be available within the next couple of days.

For whatever reason, the creators of the movie The Secret did not make it their mission to teach the law of attraction as a particularly religious concept. That is certainly their right, and we hold no animosity towards them. We are very grateful for their presentation that got this law out in such a big way, and we can watch it knowing that it builds on the foundation that we already have that God is in charge, it is only with His blessing and mercy that we can create lives of learning and joy. With love and gratitude, we acknowledge His hand in all things.

Stop by soon for the link to the book. And we invite you to join us for a telecourse on Monday at 11 pm. EST as we discuss this very topic. There will be a question and answer session towards the end of the hour. Go here and sign up. Click on the "events" page for a schedule of all of the topics for the full week. You will find us under the "blue star" on Friday.

"See" you then!


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Energy circle - what's that?

One of my favorite things to use to begin the process of creating the things I want is to use an energy circle. It is a method for taking the ideas (energy) out of your head and putting them into a place so that your physical body can get the vibration of those things and send out the seeds of creation.

Do energy circles take the place of prayer? Absolutely not! They are simply in addition to prayer. As I see it, often in our prayers we are thanking God (a very good thing) and asking him for other things (reasonable enough). Energy circles are simply starting with BEing what you're after, teaching your body what that feels like vibrationally, and then sending out the vibrational message to the universe (God, angels, unorganized matter). They're actually a really wonderful addition to prayer if you ask me.

There are a variety of ways to do an energy circle, and really, the most important part of the whole process is more your intention than the technicalities of doing it just right. I have been taught several different ways and have taken that learning and adapted it to make it my own, what feels best to me.

You begin by physically drawing and imaginary circle in front of you either with your hand or your foot. This is the place that you'll "put" the energy. Then you begin taking those ideas out of your head and putting them in affirmation form as you circle your hand clockwise in the air in front of you (making a hologram of yourself) as you "throw" the statements in: "I am supported. I am loved. I am healthy. I am enjoying peace in my home. I am organized." You get the idea. And say as many as you like. What do you want???

Then when you feel you've completed the process for that particular time, ask yourself, "How bad do I want these things?" Really ask yourself that question, because the more you want them, the more energetic you'll feel. When you're in the place of feeling like, "YES! This is just what I want and I'll do anything to get it!" then you're ready for the next step.

This is the part where you'll be teaching your body what the vibration of those things is like because that's what has been placed in the circle. So, with great enthusiasm, JUMP into the circle (a little WOO HOO! won't hurt here either!). Then reach down to the floor with your hands and "bring the energy up" and over your body, as if putting on an imaginary jumpsuit, all the while tapping it into your body, all over yourself. This is teaching your body what that energy feels like so it can vibrate those things.

When you've tapped it all over your body (and this is where, when I stop, my whole body feels a little tingly from the good vibration), then you're ready to send the seeds of that creation out into the universe, and because your body is vibrating those things, the universe, through the process of attraction, knows just where to send the answers - a vibrational match, like a magnet.

This is when I take my hands and place them over my heart, offering a prayer of thanks that I CAN have those things, because that is the faith that I'm putting forth. That moment of gratitude is very important. Once I feel a sincere completion of that, I then thrust my arms out and, while spinning around with my body, I "launch" those seeds of creation out to the universe, believing that they will come back to me fulfilled.

Is that the end of this creative process? No, it's really the beginning. After you've done that, then you "stay in the energy" of that as much as you can. Use affirmations, write in a journal, thank God in prayer, do whatever you can think of to keep your faith up regarding them, all the while letting go of the "how's" because that is the job of the universe.

What comes next can be very enlightening if you'll allow it. Sometimes it's just a subtle nudge telling you to make a phone call, purchase a book, or have a chat with your family. You simply need to just keep yourself open to what comes your way (this blog was a result of this very process!) If you're staying conscious, you will make the connections that the ideas (or sometimes the actual thing itself) that are showing up are directly related to your prayers, energy circles, and faith. And that feels really good!

Trust the process, trust yourself, and most of all, trust God. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to experience joy in THIS life, not just in the wonderful ever after. He has given us great powers of creation and great opportunities to be co-creators with him of experiences and things on this earth. Thank him in whatever ways you can think of. A gratitude journal is one wonderful way. I highly recommend it.


Friday, March 16, 2007

The writing on the wall

I've always liked to read. I haven't always given myself the permission to do it, though. Now I give myself lots of permission to read and I'm loving the learning. The interesting thing about this is how it ties in with the law of attraction, of which I have been referring to lately. Let me explain.

One of the ways I keep myself conscious is to write affirmations. My latest method (and I have plenty, let me tell you!) is to type the affirmations in large, bold letters, print them on colored paper and post them on the bedroom wall. They are literally staring me in the face when my head is neatly tucked upon my pillow. I say them before drifting off to slumberland, and when I awaken from my beauty rest, I turn my twisty little reading lamp to shine straight on them and I say them again. This usually doesn't start out so enthusiastically, but after saying about three of them, then I start to get into it. By the time I'm near the last one, I'm really going for it!

So what in tarnation, you may ask, does this have to do with reading books and the law of attraction??? Patience, dear reader! One of my affirmations is "I am 140 lbs," and another is, "I am healthy!" Both of those areas are yet a work in progress, but I'm still busy "being" those things, and because of that the universe is orchestrating ways for that to manifest. Don't ask me how it all works, because I can't explain it all, but trust me, it does!

So, after putting those statements and more into an energy circle (details coming soon), then saying them aloud at least twice a day, little things have started to show up in my path. My daughter Melissa sent me a link to an online book swap site, I looked around and signed myself up. Within a few days I had chosen books (that I hadn't previously been aware of) that, within a couple of weeks, showed up in my mailbox. I started reading, reading, reading, and I felt so inspired by the ideas and knew they would be helpful to me. I also realized that I was getting ideas from them that would assist me with several other affirmations that I'd posted as well. All not costing me a thing (although I pay the postage to send books out).

Woo hoo! I'm amazed and delighted. And grateful. I believe that with God's help, I'm being assisted to have my needs and wants met. It's a wonderful thing and it's amazing to me how intricately it all comes together. And now it's up to me to keep focused on the end result so that I can have what I'm busy Being!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Do you ever dream?

If you are like me, and dream about things you wish were realities, here's some helpful info. I've discovered a book entitled Professional Dreamer by ghalil, and it can assist you (and me!) in helping us make our dreams come true. As soon as I heard about it, I ordered my copy and both Mike and I started reading like crazy. It's worth a look, that's for sure!

Along with the idea of making your dreams into reality, ghalil has organized the second annual Professional Dreamer week. I'm including the press release below. It's definitely worth making time in your schedule to listen in on some of the classes. Mike and I will be presenting but we're not yet sure of our time slot. I'll announce it when we have the final schedule. Our topic is the same as Mike's soon-to-be-released book "The Secret" and the Bible. Tune back in and I"ll announce the exact details soon.


Welcome to Professional Dreamer Week

Dreaming is a lost art with the power to change the world one mind at a time. One West Coast author is poised to both exponentially increase the number of dreamers in the world and give them the tools to make a difference.

March 25-31, 2007 is the 2nd Annual Week of the Professional Dreamer. At its crux is an interesting question: can six simple steps and seven days change your world?

ghalil is the writer of Professional Dreamer: 6 Simple Steps that turn Dreams into Reality. Together with like-minded creative evolutionists, she is hosting a week long forum on the power of positive thinking and focused imagination.

“Each of us here is committed to calling on the world to think higher thought and act according to higher thoughts and emotions,” says ghalil whose name translates as ‘touching the earth and heavens within’. “This week is designed to make it easy to stay focused on the people, events and things that benefit our lives. Every day of the week is packed with hour after hour of life-transforming seminars, workshops, guided meditation sessions, audios, reports, stories and interviews with a single goal in mind - making YOUR dreams a reality.”

She hopes to bring greater numbers in touch with the same creative source that saved her own life and gave her book a life of its own. Since its release by One Mind Publishing, Professional Dreamer has already already earned homage from the mentors in the film The Secret and a cameo on Oprah.

“It’s a matter of changing the way we communicate: with each other, with the world and most importantly, with ourselves. Professional Dreamer Week is our way of tossing a positive pebble of possibility in the pool,” she explains.

Change has become something we both accept and expect. According to ghalil, it is too rarely something we actively direct. Therein lies both the art and the science of professional dreaming.
Combining scientific constructs with the principles of metaphysics, ghalil follows in footsteps forged by physicists and spiritualists alike: thought is energy. Ideas matter. With enough focused intent and imagination, ideas become matter. In short, a little dream can go a long way.

The Week of the Dream is both an invitation to share in the quantum power of positive thinking and the opportunity to develop a global community of shared vision. With monies being raised for charitable contribution to the Cancer Foundation, a full calendar of events for Professional Dreamer Week can be found at

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The law of attraction, for starters

I first heard the term "law of attraction" when I read Carol Tuttle's book. It's not really something I'd given much thought to before, and there were other things in the book that were more profound to me at the time. I had a lot of "stuff" that I needed and wanted to work through, so I wasn't very focused on what I was or wasn't attracting.

Once I'd experienced a number of Rapid Eye sessions, I was feeling much better and clearer and started to have room in my brain for new ideas and possibilities. I then went to Rapid Eye training where we learned how to do energy circles and trained in teaching Skills for Life classes. Both of these areas dealt with the law of attraction, and my understanding started to increase. I began to understand that our thoughts and feelings are energy, and energy is sent out all the time whether we understand it or not. We may even have a conscious thought that is one thing, but a subconscious belief that is held more strongly might be the one that is sending out the greatest energetic message.

Then learning to apply this law in my favor became my goal. This is where learning to live in the BE really becomes important. If you're wishing for a slimmer body, then you need to start BEing slim. "I am slim" will get you a lot further than walking around believing and saying to yourself, "I'm so fat." If you're saying that to yourself, then you'll just get a lot more of it. If you're busy BEing fat, then you know just what to do. Stop at Krispie Kream, grab the nearest 1/2 gallon of Tillamook ice cream, sit on the couch watching TV, and you're absolutely right. You are being fat and you know exactly how to do that. But if you start BEing thin, then you'll begin to think and act like a thin person. "I am thin" will lead you to the produce section, you'll go for a sparkling water instead of a Coke, and you'll likely desire a vigorous stroll around the block. You'll be attracting to yourself the things that help you BE slim. And, out of seemingly nowhere, you get ideas of things to read or do or whatever that will help you on your quest.

One author said that the whole universe will conspire to bring you your desires. Yes, that's it! If you can just hold onto the belief long enough to allow the shifts to take place in this physical realm, then your desires, should they be in your highest good, will manifest. Of course we are masters at sabotaging ourselves now and again, but that's another day's entry.

Stay tuned and I'll share some of my experiences using energy circles, affirmations, and prayer that have allowed simply wonderful things to show up in my life. I'd love to hear your experiences as well.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Time to get moving!

Wow, it's been more than a month since I've checked in here. What's up with that? It has everything to do with everything, actually. Sometimes I am busy, and sometimes I just feel slumpy. Either way, it's time to move forward. Something I'm learning is that it doesn't do any good to look back and wish for something different than what's there. It's okay to look forward and wish for change, but to look backward is to hold fast and stay stuck. I don't like stuck, do you?

Speaking of staying stuck, or NOT actually, if you haven't seen the movie The Secret, it's high time you did! I watched it for the first time almost a year ago, and I've watched it so many times since that I feel like everybody on the screen is my dear friend. It's all about living consciously by understanding the law of attraction. Never heard of that law? Maybe the phrase, "You reap what you sow," sounds more familiar, or "what goes around comes around," or "the law of the harvest." They're all ways of saying the same thing, and the law works whether we understand it or believe it or not. So I figure it's in my best interest to learn all I can about it and get it working in my favor.

So, I'm dusting around here. Time to move some cobwebs out of my life and let the spring air blow through. Time to reawaken my senses and tune in more clearly. I've had lots of interesting experiences that I'll be sharing in the next while. In the mean time, keep your eye out for a little joy here and there. It does a spirit good!