Energy circle - what's that?
One of my favorite things to use to begin the process of creating the things I want is to use an energy circle. It is a method for taking the ideas (energy) out of your head and putting them into a place so that your physical body can get the vibration of those things and send out the seeds of creation.
Do energy circles take the place of prayer? Absolutely not! They are simply in addition to prayer. As I see it, often in our prayers we are thanking God (a very good thing) and asking him for other things (reasonable enough). Energy circles are simply starting with BEing what you're after, teaching your body what that feels like vibrationally, and then sending out the vibrational message to the universe (God, angels, unorganized matter). They're actually a really wonderful addition to prayer if you ask me.
There are a variety of ways to do an energy circle, and really, the most important part of the whole process is more your intention than the technicalities of doing it just right. I have been taught several different ways and have taken that learning and adapted it to make it my own, what feels best to me.
You begin by physically drawing and imaginary circle in front of you either with your hand or your foot. This is the place that you'll "put" the energy. Then you begin taking those ideas out of your head and putting them in affirmation form as you circle your hand clockwise in the air in front of you (making a hologram of yourself) as you "throw" the statements in: "I am supported. I am loved. I am healthy. I am enjoying peace in my home. I am organized." You get the idea. And say as many as you like. What do you want???
Then when you feel you've completed the process for that particular time, ask yourself, "How bad do I want these things?" Really ask yourself that question, because the more you want them, the more energetic you'll feel. When you're in the place of feeling like, "YES! This is just what I want and I'll do anything to get it!" then you're ready for the next step.
This is the part where you'll be teaching your body what the vibration of those things is like because that's what has been placed in the circle. So, with great enthusiasm, JUMP into the circle (a little WOO HOO! won't hurt here either!). Then reach down to the floor with your hands and "bring the energy up" and over your body, as if putting on an imaginary jumpsuit, all the while tapping it into your body, all over yourself. This is teaching your body what that energy feels like so it can vibrate those things.
When you've tapped it all over your body (and this is where, when I stop, my whole body feels a little tingly from the good vibration), then you're ready to send the seeds of that creation out into the universe, and because your body is vibrating those things, the universe, through the process of attraction, knows just where to send the answers - a vibrational match, like a magnet.
This is when I take my hands and place them over my heart, offering a prayer of thanks that I CAN have those things, because that is the faith that I'm putting forth. That moment of gratitude is very important. Once I feel a sincere completion of that, I then thrust my arms out and, while spinning around with my body, I "launch" those seeds of creation out to the universe, believing that they will come back to me fulfilled.
Is that the end of this creative process? No, it's really the beginning. After you've done that, then you "stay in the energy" of that as much as you can. Use affirmations, write in a journal, thank God in prayer, do whatever you can think of to keep your faith up regarding them, all the while letting go of the "how's" because that is the job of the universe.
What comes next can be very enlightening if you'll allow it. Sometimes it's just a subtle nudge telling you to make a phone call, purchase a book, or have a chat with your family. You simply need to just keep yourself open to what comes your way (this blog was a result of this very process!) If you're staying conscious, you will make the connections that the ideas (or sometimes the actual thing itself) that are showing up are directly related to your prayers, energy circles, and faith. And that feels really good!
Trust the process, trust yourself, and most of all, trust God. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to experience joy in THIS life, not just in the wonderful ever after. He has given us great powers of creation and great opportunities to be co-creators with him of experiences and things on this earth. Thank him in whatever ways you can think of. A gratitude journal is one wonderful way. I highly recommend it.
Do energy circles take the place of prayer? Absolutely not! They are simply in addition to prayer. As I see it, often in our prayers we are thanking God (a very good thing) and asking him for other things (reasonable enough). Energy circles are simply starting with BEing what you're after, teaching your body what that feels like vibrationally, and then sending out the vibrational message to the universe (God, angels, unorganized matter). They're actually a really wonderful addition to prayer if you ask me.
There are a variety of ways to do an energy circle, and really, the most important part of the whole process is more your intention than the technicalities of doing it just right. I have been taught several different ways and have taken that learning and adapted it to make it my own, what feels best to me.
You begin by physically drawing and imaginary circle in front of you either with your hand or your foot. This is the place that you'll "put" the energy. Then you begin taking those ideas out of your head and putting them in affirmation form as you circle your hand clockwise in the air in front of you (making a hologram of yourself) as you "throw" the statements in: "I am supported. I am loved. I am healthy. I am enjoying peace in my home. I am organized." You get the idea. And say as many as you like. What do you want???
Then when you feel you've completed the process for that particular time, ask yourself, "How bad do I want these things?" Really ask yourself that question, because the more you want them, the more energetic you'll feel. When you're in the place of feeling like, "YES! This is just what I want and I'll do anything to get it!" then you're ready for the next step.
This is the part where you'll be teaching your body what the vibration of those things is like because that's what has been placed in the circle. So, with great enthusiasm, JUMP into the circle (a little WOO HOO! won't hurt here either!). Then reach down to the floor with your hands and "bring the energy up" and over your body, as if putting on an imaginary jumpsuit, all the while tapping it into your body, all over yourself. This is teaching your body what that energy feels like so it can vibrate those things.
When you've tapped it all over your body (and this is where, when I stop, my whole body feels a little tingly from the good vibration), then you're ready to send the seeds of that creation out into the universe, and because your body is vibrating those things, the universe, through the process of attraction, knows just where to send the answers - a vibrational match, like a magnet.
This is when I take my hands and place them over my heart, offering a prayer of thanks that I CAN have those things, because that is the faith that I'm putting forth. That moment of gratitude is very important. Once I feel a sincere completion of that, I then thrust my arms out and, while spinning around with my body, I "launch" those seeds of creation out to the universe, believing that they will come back to me fulfilled.
Is that the end of this creative process? No, it's really the beginning. After you've done that, then you "stay in the energy" of that as much as you can. Use affirmations, write in a journal, thank God in prayer, do whatever you can think of to keep your faith up regarding them, all the while letting go of the "how's" because that is the job of the universe.
What comes next can be very enlightening if you'll allow it. Sometimes it's just a subtle nudge telling you to make a phone call, purchase a book, or have a chat with your family. You simply need to just keep yourself open to what comes your way (this blog was a result of this very process!) If you're staying conscious, you will make the connections that the ideas (or sometimes the actual thing itself) that are showing up are directly related to your prayers, energy circles, and faith. And that feels really good!
Trust the process, trust yourself, and most of all, trust God. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to experience joy in THIS life, not just in the wonderful ever after. He has given us great powers of creation and great opportunities to be co-creators with him of experiences and things on this earth. Thank him in whatever ways you can think of. A gratitude journal is one wonderful way. I highly recommend it.
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