Saturday, April 28, 2007

We created a little joy together

My friend Mishelle and I taught an 8 hour class today and created a little joy in the process. We had 10 students and two babies in attendance and the time really flew by. Together we learned about 7 universal principles and how to become more conscious of how those are working in our lives. After weeks and weeks or preparation, it was wonderful to see how the message is received, and to feel an energetic shift take place among class members.

I, for one, really appreciate the learning, whether as the teacher or the student. I remind myself that my thoughts are the place to begin, and I can choose to think any thought I wish. Getting that anchored in can bring about monumental changes, and it feels pretty darn good. Why think negative thoughts when you can always choose a positive one instead!

So, thank you to Mishelle and the twelve others who chose to spend their day with us. Thank you for the learning and for the light and insight. A little sharing of yourselves can create a lot of joy for others. Namaste!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad it went well for you. I was supporting Faith in a dance competition in Roy. It's always fun to support her in that. I do hope to catch one of your workshops sometime.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Cristi said...

We'd love to have you! When the time is right, I'm sure you'll make it. We had several couples this time, and that, by far, is the best way for the learning to take place. Maybe our next class will be "just for couples" and I'll get my husband to be my teaching partner (he actually did some teaching this time on the Zero Point field). He's a great example of putting the learning into action!!!

6:36 AM  

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