Friday, March 16, 2007

The writing on the wall

I've always liked to read. I haven't always given myself the permission to do it, though. Now I give myself lots of permission to read and I'm loving the learning. The interesting thing about this is how it ties in with the law of attraction, of which I have been referring to lately. Let me explain.

One of the ways I keep myself conscious is to write affirmations. My latest method (and I have plenty, let me tell you!) is to type the affirmations in large, bold letters, print them on colored paper and post them on the bedroom wall. They are literally staring me in the face when my head is neatly tucked upon my pillow. I say them before drifting off to slumberland, and when I awaken from my beauty rest, I turn my twisty little reading lamp to shine straight on them and I say them again. This usually doesn't start out so enthusiastically, but after saying about three of them, then I start to get into it. By the time I'm near the last one, I'm really going for it!

So what in tarnation, you may ask, does this have to do with reading books and the law of attraction??? Patience, dear reader! One of my affirmations is "I am 140 lbs," and another is, "I am healthy!" Both of those areas are yet a work in progress, but I'm still busy "being" those things, and because of that the universe is orchestrating ways for that to manifest. Don't ask me how it all works, because I can't explain it all, but trust me, it does!

So, after putting those statements and more into an energy circle (details coming soon), then saying them aloud at least twice a day, little things have started to show up in my path. My daughter Melissa sent me a link to an online book swap site, I looked around and signed myself up. Within a few days I had chosen books (that I hadn't previously been aware of) that, within a couple of weeks, showed up in my mailbox. I started reading, reading, reading, and I felt so inspired by the ideas and knew they would be helpful to me. I also realized that I was getting ideas from them that would assist me with several other affirmations that I'd posted as well. All not costing me a thing (although I pay the postage to send books out).

Woo hoo! I'm amazed and delighted. And grateful. I believe that with God's help, I'm being assisted to have my needs and wants met. It's a wonderful thing and it's amazing to me how intricately it all comes together. And now it's up to me to keep focused on the end result so that I can have what I'm busy Being!



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