Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"I'm So Disappointed" - Time to Switch That!

My hiatus has ended. I'm back from my little funk. I've been battling a really nasty sinus infection, and I somehow let it take hold of both me and my life. I've spent a good deal of time reading up on the emotions behind sinus troubles, and my husband did a little EFT session with me on some of them yesterday. I'd been stuck. Stuck physically in that my sinuses were no longer draining, thus infection was setting in, and stuck emotionally as well. When we were able to tap through some of my "stuck" emotions, amazingly enough my sinuses instanstly began to drain again and my ears were no longer as plugged up. Hand over the box of Kleenex!

It's a wonderful thing when we can be honest about what we're really feeling inside. I was having issues with disappointment. In fact, I was making a joke about my own version of Christopher Westra's websites (I Create Harmony, I Create Joy, etc.), mine being I Create Disappointment. In a number of areas in my life, I was feeling disappointed. With myself, with my family, with the people that wouldn't call me back with inforamtion I needed to move forward on a project, and on and on and on. Sounds silly, doesn't it? Why would I want to keep creating disappointment? Well, because we humans are a funny lot. We like to be right, and when we have a belief inside (whether consicous or not), we want to be right about it. I apparently have a belief that people disappointment me, and I want to be right about my belief.

If you have an understanding of the Law of Attraction (i.e., the law of the harvest), then you know that whatever beliefs you hold inside are what you're attracting into your life. Not sure what those beliefs are? Just look at your life and what's showing up for you, and you'll understand your beliefs! And because we're so good at attracting what we believe, and it's showing up, we get to be right and give ourselves a little "fix" over it. "Yep, see, I was right about that." And we take that as feeling better. But does it really feel better?

So what if we don't want to be right about things like disappointment? What do we do? On a conscious level, of course I don't want disappointment in my life. But because I keep experiencing the emotion over and over, I know on a subconscious level that I believe it's important for me to be disappointed. So, there's a little Aha! that I can take and deal with.

The first step, of course, is identifying what's going on and being accountable for it. Is it everyone else's fault that I'm disappointed? I used to think that, but not anymore. I choose to be disappointed. And because I really don't want to keep re-creating disappointment, I'm willing to go deep inside and let myself feel what it is I'm disappointed over. Tuning in to that is sometimes painful, but it gives me the necessary emotional feedback so that I can be in a place to get the emotions to shift.

The next step is choosing what method to clear the negative emotions out of my system and clean up my energy fields. This is where the handy-dandy tools of energy work come in. When my daughter, Amy, was around and not off serving a mission in New Jersey, she used to assist me in cleaning up my "stuff" with her Rapid Eye skills. It works amazingly quick and I always feel 100% better within a number of minutes. When I'm on my own, I turn to EFT and tap out my negative feelings. I find it slower yet effective if I am willing to be perfectly honest with myself. You can tap out all kinds of negative energy, including physical symptoms of pain, as well as emotions of any kind.

I know there are other methods out there for releasing negative emotions, but these just happen to be the ones I'm familiar with and have had good experiences with. If you feel inadequate in your abilities to deal with your own "stuff", or have a hard time identifying your beliefs, there are lots of folks trained to assist. And, one of the easiest ways of all to expose yourself to tapping with EFT is to go to Carol Tuttle's website and sign up for her healing center. She pops right up on your computer screen and leads you through tapping sessions on just about any subject you can imagine, from anger to low self esteem, from abuse to eating disorders. You just choose from the menu.

There are several benefits of doing EFT in this way. First, you don't have to think very hard. If you're feeling cranky and you don't want to sit and tune into your own emotions and give yourself a session, you can just click on something and start tapping along. You'll feel better pretty quick that way. And, you'll learn the ropes. Carol does her own version of EFT, which I see as a combination of her Rapid Eye and EFT training. It's very effective.

When you sign up for the healing center, you also get Carol's bestselling book and a set of CDs on the art of manifesting. It's worth a look!

In Joy,


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