Well, Hello World!
Dear Sweet Nolan,
Welcome, welcome to the world! I've been waiting for you, and I'm so glad you came today. Your mom (my daughter), Melissa, called me at 1:49 a.m. to say she was having regular contractions, and would I like to come on over to your house? Well, I most certainly would!
I threw on my clothes, grabbed the bag that's been patiently waiting by my door for about a week now, and hopped in the car. It was a little surreal as I drove through town and onto the freeway, hardly passing another car at that quiet hour. I made it to your house about 10 minutes before the midwife arrived, and began making some "laborade" for your mom, which is a special tea of lemon juice, honey, sea salt and minerals, so she would have something soothing to sip on while she waited for your arrival.
The room had been prepared well in advance, all supplies stacked neatly around. The birthing tub was up, the liner in place, and it was being filled with warm water so that your entrance would be nice and cozy. Your brother, Callan, was sleeping soundly in his bed, oblivious to the grand event that was about to take place just down the hall. There was a peaceful, serene atmosphere in your home, and I was so glad to have been invited. Your mom's friend, Kathy (a retired labor and delivery nurse that had never been present for a home birth), came a little later, and she and I shared the job of cheerleader.
Your mom labored along, talking and smiling, and then, following the very carefully intended visualization that she had created, she calmly gave birth to you in the warmth of the water. It all happened so quickly that it almost took us by surprise. The midwife lifted you out of the water and handed you to your mom, and it was at about that same moment that you decided it was a good time to wail. You were intent on trying out those lungs you'd been developing, and they worked exceedingly well. Go, Nolan!

We watched as your dad, Joey, snipped the cord that had been your lifeline for quite a long while, but that didn't seem to bother you in any way. You were much more focused on finding your new source of nourishment. No problems there!
After your dad cuddled you for a while, he passed you over to me, and I got my first real gaze into your innocent face. It was apparent that you had just come from the presence of God, and I felt priveleged to be holding someone who had so recently been nurtured in that Light. If only you could share with me your feelings, how much God loves you, how He has allowed you the opportunity to experience all that earth life has to offer. Words were not necessary, though. I was easily getting the message.

Not only does God love you, but I love you, too. You have been born into a wonderful family. You will be loved, nurtured and supported by two sets of grandparents, a dozen or so aunts and uncles, and many cousins, in addition to your parents and brother. You will always have someone to guide you and protect you.
I thank heaven for the gift of you! You light up my world. You have brought even more hope, joy, and light to this planet and to our little corner of it. God bless you, Nolan Rodney, as you begin this fantastic experience we call mortality. May your journey teach you what you know you've come to learn, and then lead you back to the presence of your Creator, to dwell with Him forever.
Thanks for BEING joy!
Nana Cristi
P.S. Vitally important statistics!
Name: Nolan Rodney (last name left off for security reasons)
Birthdate: November 8, 2006
Time: 4:07 a.m.
Weight: 8 lbs., 8 oz.
Length: 20 1/2"
Welcome, welcome to the world! I've been waiting for you, and I'm so glad you came today. Your mom (my daughter), Melissa, called me at 1:49 a.m. to say she was having regular contractions, and would I like to come on over to your house? Well, I most certainly would!
I threw on my clothes, grabbed the bag that's been patiently waiting by my door for about a week now, and hopped in the car. It was a little surreal as I drove through town and onto the freeway, hardly passing another car at that quiet hour. I made it to your house about 10 minutes before the midwife arrived, and began making some "laborade" for your mom, which is a special tea of lemon juice, honey, sea salt and minerals, so she would have something soothing to sip on while she waited for your arrival.
The room had been prepared well in advance, all supplies stacked neatly around. The birthing tub was up, the liner in place, and it was being filled with warm water so that your entrance would be nice and cozy. Your brother, Callan, was sleeping soundly in his bed, oblivious to the grand event that was about to take place just down the hall. There was a peaceful, serene atmosphere in your home, and I was so glad to have been invited. Your mom's friend, Kathy (a retired labor and delivery nurse that had never been present for a home birth), came a little later, and she and I shared the job of cheerleader.
Your mom labored along, talking and smiling, and then, following the very carefully intended visualization that she had created, she calmly gave birth to you in the warmth of the water. It all happened so quickly that it almost took us by surprise. The midwife lifted you out of the water and handed you to your mom, and it was at about that same moment that you decided it was a good time to wail. You were intent on trying out those lungs you'd been developing, and they worked exceedingly well. Go, Nolan!

We watched as your dad, Joey, snipped the cord that had been your lifeline for quite a long while, but that didn't seem to bother you in any way. You were much more focused on finding your new source of nourishment. No problems there!
After your dad cuddled you for a while, he passed you over to me, and I got my first real gaze into your innocent face. It was apparent that you had just come from the presence of God, and I felt priveleged to be holding someone who had so recently been nurtured in that Light. If only you could share with me your feelings, how much God loves you, how He has allowed you the opportunity to experience all that earth life has to offer. Words were not necessary, though. I was easily getting the message.

Not only does God love you, but I love you, too. You have been born into a wonderful family. You will be loved, nurtured and supported by two sets of grandparents, a dozen or so aunts and uncles, and many cousins, in addition to your parents and brother. You will always have someone to guide you and protect you.
I thank heaven for the gift of you! You light up my world. You have brought even more hope, joy, and light to this planet and to our little corner of it. God bless you, Nolan Rodney, as you begin this fantastic experience we call mortality. May your journey teach you what you know you've come to learn, and then lead you back to the presence of your Creator, to dwell with Him forever.
Thanks for BEING joy!
Nana Cristi
P.S. Vitally important statistics!
Name: Nolan Rodney (last name left off for security reasons)
Birthdate: November 8, 2006
Time: 4:07 a.m.
Weight: 8 lbs., 8 oz.
Length: 20 1/2"
good picture
Cristi, just yesterday I was imagining you writing this post this morning. And I thought how appropriate to be writing about joy and babies. They both go together so well. Congratulations, Nana. Dawn
Congratulations! We were hoping for a home water birth for our 4 year old son, but we ended up being transferred to the hospital. Your daughter's sounds like it was peaceful. That's wonderful
How exciting and sacred to be at the birth of a new angel. It makes me remember my special times and look forward to being a grandma.
Thanks for sharing.
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