Taking Charge of the Committee
"Really now. Just who do you think would even want to read this blog? Who cares about what you have to say, anyway. It's not like you've got life all figured out! Better just quit while you're still ahead."
Oh, yeah, I know where that's coming from. It's that darn committee. You know, the Itty Bitty Icky Committee. The one that yacks at you when you're not being so conscious of your thoughts. "Your back will always give you trouble. You're just going to have to accept that, you know. Pain and struggle, that's what earth life is all about. Get used to it."
Uh, pipe down, would you?
I used to have a really large committee. And they could be quite loud at times. I used to listen to what they had to say quite regularly. And not only did I listen to them, I actually believed them! "You're not really very good at anything. You're just sorta good at a lot of things, but you never really excel in anything. You just have to fake your way through, but eventually the truth will come out." Yep, accepting that kind of message will get me nowhere in a really big hurry.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with committee troubles. Otherwise, we'd all be glowing with our divine nature. It's the negative self-talk that blocks our view of the divinely created beings that we really are. We have a tough time believing that we're beautiful, talented, capable, and good enough when we give credence to such negativity. "You'll never measure up to your potential. You've wasted too much time."
I beg your pardon!
Has the time come in your life to deal with the Committee? If so, here are some of the ways I've succeeded in turning the volume down, and at times I can even turn the power button completely off. It really is a matter of recognizing when it's the committee talking, and then taking quick action. "You never even finished college. Just what kind of credentials . . . ."
Well, hello there, Committee. Thanks for sharing. I'll get back to you.
Remember the "BE state" from yesterday? That's the place to begin, and FAST!
I am educated and wise.
I am learning every day.
I am living up to my potential.
I am all that I need to be.
I could go on, but you get the idea. Take the message the committee's trying to send and turn it right around. Louise Hay, in her book You Can Heal Your Life
, suggests making a note of the negative self talk without really focusing on it. Once you've noticed, then you can easily take the negative and turn it into something positive.
Make a list of your "I am" statements. What is it you want to believe and create? That's what "I am" statements are. Statements of creation. "Whatever! You're just lying when you say those things. They're not true and you know it!"
Thanks for sharing. I'll get back to you.
I am creating my life the way I want it to be
Partnering with God, I am a powerful creator
I am patient with the learning process
I am forgiving myself and others
I am moving forward in a positive direction
So, Committee, take a hike. You're not needed here anymore. You have served your purpose in my life, and I now choose to focus on truth. I forgive myself for ever listenening to you in the first place.
Wow! Isn't that powerful? It feels so good to be in charge of your thoughts and to believe that you have everything to do with the creation process of your life. Today, take a moment to notice what the Itty Bitty Icky Committee's been telling you. Do you really want to believe those things? Why not turn them into something positive and productive, and move forward with gusto believing you ARE everything you need to BE!
I am joyfully taking charge of my thoughts!
Oh, yeah, I know where that's coming from. It's that darn committee. You know, the Itty Bitty Icky Committee. The one that yacks at you when you're not being so conscious of your thoughts. "Your back will always give you trouble. You're just going to have to accept that, you know. Pain and struggle, that's what earth life is all about. Get used to it."
Uh, pipe down, would you?
I used to have a really large committee. And they could be quite loud at times. I used to listen to what they had to say quite regularly. And not only did I listen to them, I actually believed them! "You're not really very good at anything. You're just sorta good at a lot of things, but you never really excel in anything. You just have to fake your way through, but eventually the truth will come out." Yep, accepting that kind of message will get me nowhere in a really big hurry.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with committee troubles. Otherwise, we'd all be glowing with our divine nature. It's the negative self-talk that blocks our view of the divinely created beings that we really are. We have a tough time believing that we're beautiful, talented, capable, and good enough when we give credence to such negativity. "You'll never measure up to your potential. You've wasted too much time."
I beg your pardon!
Has the time come in your life to deal with the Committee? If so, here are some of the ways I've succeeded in turning the volume down, and at times I can even turn the power button completely off. It really is a matter of recognizing when it's the committee talking, and then taking quick action. "You never even finished college. Just what kind of credentials . . . ."
Well, hello there, Committee. Thanks for sharing. I'll get back to you.
Remember the "BE state" from yesterday? That's the place to begin, and FAST!
I am educated and wise.
I am learning every day.
I am living up to my potential.
I am all that I need to be.
I could go on, but you get the idea. Take the message the committee's trying to send and turn it right around. Louise Hay, in her book You Can Heal Your Life
Make a list of your "I am" statements. What is it you want to believe and create? That's what "I am" statements are. Statements of creation. "Whatever! You're just lying when you say those things. They're not true and you know it!"
Thanks for sharing. I'll get back to you.
I am creating my life the way I want it to be
Partnering with God, I am a powerful creator
I am patient with the learning process
I am forgiving myself and others
I am moving forward in a positive direction
So, Committee, take a hike. You're not needed here anymore. You have served your purpose in my life, and I now choose to focus on truth. I forgive myself for ever listenening to you in the first place.
Wow! Isn't that powerful? It feels so good to be in charge of your thoughts and to believe that you have everything to do with the creation process of your life. Today, take a moment to notice what the Itty Bitty Icky Committee's been telling you. Do you really want to believe those things? Why not turn them into something positive and productive, and move forward with gusto believing you ARE everything you need to BE!
I am joyfully taking charge of my thoughts!
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