We created a little joy together
My friend Mishelle and I taught an 8 hour class today and created a little joy in the process. We had 10 students and two babies in attendance and the time really flew by. Together we learned about 7 universal principles and how to become more conscious of how those are working in our lives. After weeks and weeks or preparation, it was wonderful to see how the message is received, and to feel an energetic shift take place among class members.I, for one, really appreciate the learning, whether as the teacher or the student. I remind myself that my thoughts are the place to begin, and I can choose to think any thought I wish. Getting that anchored in can bring about monumental changes, and it feels pretty darn good. Why think negative thoughts when you can always choose a positive one instead!So, thank you to Mishelle and the twelve others who chose to spend their day with us. Thank you for the learning and for the light and insight. A little sharing of yourselves can create a lot of joy for others. Namaste!InJoy,Cristi
Catch the new movie!
This is exciting! Have you seen it? Gary Craig, along with an MD and a variety of other folks are all talking about the wonders of EFT. Take 7 minutes of your time to watch this new video!
This is particularly exciting to me because I once attended a class and my "neighbors" there were a couple of women on the video. But even more important than that, I love that more people are becoming aware of EFT. It is such a great tool, it's so easy to use, and it is free and painful. What more could you want?
Learn how to use this incredibly easy technique yourself. The DVDs are reasonably priced and easy to follow. Gary is an extremely generous man, allowing you to make copies of the DVDs to give to others. Surely you and a friend or 5 would like to go in together.
Go for it!
Holographic Creation
Just about every Wednesday evening, you'll find me sitting in my van waiting outside the building where my daughter takes Irish dance lessons. Even though I enjoy watching my daughter do the hornpipe and the jig, I don't have that privilege anymore. She's at the level of dance where parents are more of a distraction than anything else, so we find other things to do with our time. Most of the students live much closer than the 25 miles distance that we travel, and they likely head on home, but I find a variety of ways to use my time.Sometimes I pop in a DVD of Carol Tuttle or Donna Eden. Occasionally I even make a quick run to the Walmart that's 9 miles away. But last night I packed my bag with books galore, a highlighter, my spiral, an ink pen, and my glasses. Time to do a little more reading for the class I'm teaching in 10 days.Hmmm. Let's see. I had Professional Dreamer with me, the teacher's manual for the Life Skills course from the Rapid Eye Institute, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra, and an expandable file with pages on each of the 7 principles I'll be teaching. I also had the book I Create Reality, How to Manifest Your Desires Using Holographic Creation. I'd purchased it as an ebook several months ago but hadn't taken the time to read it until now.For some reason, I picked up that little ebook and started in. Truth be told, I read it from cover to cover, finishing the last page while my daughter untied her ghilles and put her regular shoes back on. This was an amazing little journey. I was delighted and enthused. I was looking forward to finding time the next day to try out the author's recommendations for turning your dreams into reality.So today, I took the time to make a copy of the "creation" page and headed to my sauna. Have I mentioned that I adore my sauna? That's another day's topic altogether, but let me say this. The sauna is a place of great thought. No phone, no television, nobody wanting to talk to a sweat hog, so it's peaceful. Me and my creation page got settled in, and off we went.I followed the suggestions and had my first "holographic creation" experience. I liked it. In fact, I loved it. I felt so energized and "up" that I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I usually only use my sauna every other day, but I've changed my plan for now. I want this to be my daily experience for at least a few weeks.Don't waste a minute more! If you'd really like to learn the basics of using a very "energized" version of visualization, this is the place to start. It's very clearly written and easy to understand, and you'll be in creation mode just as soon as you choose to begin. You can take my word for it!
Fabulous Resources
Are you interested in feeling absolutely fantastic? Well duh, you're probably saying. Aren't we all interested in that??? Do you know that whatever isn't feeling just right, from your relationships to your health to your financial situation, has everything to do with your thoughts, beliefs and patterns? I have learned that it takes continuous, conscious effort to stay headed the right direction. For me, a combination of prayer, meditation, study, and action works best.Today I'm sharing resources I've found that are really helpful to me. I'm often ask, "What do you recommend?" There are a ton of things, and a lot of it depends on where you're coming from and where you want to go. Everybody takes things with their own twist of perception, so there are most definitely different strokes for different folks. Here are some classes and some of my other favorites.
Available in Utah:
Skills for Joyful LivingThese classes (sometimes referred to as Skills for Life/Living or Life Skills) are what we call the "other half" of the Rapid Eye model. The Rapid Eye modality is used to release stress, trauma, any negative energy. Then it is important, because our energy has "habits", to learn new thought patterns, get more clear understanding of our role in what we've been experiencing, etc. All Rapid Eye technicians are required to teach these classes to be certified, so there are often classes going on just about everywhere. If you're in Utah, this may be a class you'd be interested in working into your schedule (you don't have to be doing Rapid Eye sessions to participate - they're helpful for everyone!):Skills for Joyful Living
One day intensive workshop
Facilitated by Cristi Fitzgerald, MRET &
Michelle Knuteson, RET
April 28, 9 am - 5 pm
Christopher's Herb Shop in Springville
$40 (when paid by April 25th), $50 at the door
Come with a friend or spouse and they pay $20
Fee includes lunch catered by Ginger's Cafe
Learning/using EFT - for local classes and teleclasses, too. Tell Randy that Cristi sent you. He'll be pleased!
Online resources
Emotional Freedom Technique - You can learn this either for yourself or to assist others. It's easy and is a very effective "in the moment" modality to relieve stress, fear, pain, cravings, etc. The training DVDs are inexpensive and easy to follow. Check it out! Get Started Package
Chris Westra is a man of "creation." I can't think of a nicer person to learn from, and he has wonderful resources to assist you in creating more of what you really want. Just watching his videos is enough to brighten your day. Chris has written numerous e-books that are sold online, and when you make a purchase, you also receive a plethora of bonus books and resources. This guy is generous!!! If you'd like to improve your health, your wealth, your happiness, take a look below. I have purchased his ebooks, downloaded them and put them in small binder or had them spiral bound at the copy shop. They're worth every penny!
What would you like help with creating more of in your life?
Creating "how to"
Learn all about holographic creation
Click Here!
Is it time to shift your financial patterns?
Click Here!
Feel better and achieve your perfect weight
Click Here!
Creating Joy
Learn the art of emotional transformation
Click Here!
Online selling
Create unlimited income even if you're brand new at it
Click Here!

Starting with her book Remembering Wholeness, my friend Carol offers a one-stop shop. If you haven't read the book yet, I highly recommend it. Don't worry if you find yourself saying, "Huh? I really like some of what she's saying, but this other stuff - forget it!" That's okay. Just practice taking what you're not so sure about and putting it "on the shelf" until you feel more ready to bring it back down and examine it again. Carol also has scads of CDs and DVDs on subjects related to health, money, relationships (marriage, being single, etc.), as well as a "healing center" where she takes you through online EFT sessions to assist you in clearing issues related to just about everything imaginable, i.e., finances, self sabotage, addictions, body issues, depression, you name it! If you're ready to dig in and get moving, visit her website by clicking on the banner with her photo.

Here's a wonderful way to enjoy a shift in energy. These are strands of gemstones that are appropriate for both men and women. They can be worn around your neck unseen but they're still busily assisting you in experiencing greater health and well-being. Just click on the banner above and enter a world of wonder! You'll find therapeutic gemstones to aid you physically, mentally, emotionally, and more. It's a lovely way to feel great!
Imprint 24-7
Have you heard of the work of Dr. Emoto and his book Hidden Messages in Water? It's shows fascinating photos of how emotions can effect water molecules, and since our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water, it's helpful for us to understand how emotions and messages are affecting us. These small stickers can be personalized by you and worn unseen by others, but they're sending a powerful message to the cells in your body.
Books & CDs
Professional Dreamer
You Can Heal Your Life
Hidden Messages in Water
Creating Affluence A to Z
Energy Medicine
The Promise of Energy Psychology
Rapid Eye Teechnology
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
Labels: Resources
What do Boy Scouts have to do with it?
The Troop Committee? Huh? Wait! Aren't I the one with three girls and no boys? If I remember correctly, I had just two sisters and no brothers, and a dad who never went to a Scout meeting in his entire life. How on earth does that translate into me serving on a Scout committee?Good question! The answer? Just a big smile from those that know. They mumble things under their breath, like, "We need some organizational skills and you're good at that." Okay, I'll admit to that much. I AM good at organization, but organizing Boy Scouts? I'm used to finding clever little places to put dozens of threaded bobbins!I don't know a square knot from a half-hitch, and I've never been backpacking in my life (yet!) I know that everybody's happy when the rank of Eagle is achieved (but mostly I observe that it's a case of Mom being relieved), and I'm aware that even grown men go to Scout camp for Wood Badge because that's where my husband was for the past few days. What they do there, however, is mysterious. Not intriguing, mind you. Just mysterious.Would I be willing to be the troop committee secretary? Uh, sure. Even in my really young days I pulled off secretarial duties at the Oregon Department of Justice, Consumer Protection Division (at age 16). And, at the ripe old age of 18 I was a secretary/receptionist for Criminal Investigation at the IRS. So, I suppose now that I'm 40-something, I can likely handle the minutes and publicity of the troop committee. Only now I need to pretend I'm familiar with things like merit badges and courts of honor.So, it's an adventure. I could fall on the floor and assume the fetal position, moan and cry, or I could look at it as an amazing opportunity to get educated about an important part of my husband's, son in-law's, and eventually grandsons' lives. I suppose I'll do just that. Please don't ask me to don olive slacks, a khaki shirt, and a baseballish hat, though. I'm all girl and I have every intention of staying that way!
Could someone please pass the chocolate?InJoy,CristiLabels: Scout committee