Saturday, January 20, 2007

What are you BEing in 2007?

It's a great day today. Not because of any-"thing" in particular. The house isn't terribly tidy, the bank account isn't looking any better than yesterday, the mirror isn't telling me that I've lost extra pounds, and the fact is that my 12 yr. old is sick. So what exactly would make it qualify for a great day?

I'm experiencing a great day because of what I'm BEing today. I first was exposed to this principle about 18 months ago, but it didn't have a really terrific lodging place. It wasn't until I started teaching Skills for Joyful Living classes last summer that I finally was able to really grasp the concept and begin to put it to work for me. These classes are the companion to Rapid Eye Technology. Rapid Eye assists in releasing trapped trauma and stress, and Skills for Life principles are what assist people in seeing how they can make life changes and begin creating a more positive experience than the one they've been having.

So how does it work to BE? It all begins with our thoughts. Get control of your thoughts and your experience will begin to change, no doubt about it. This morning I was in complete command of my thoughts. I was busy saying to myself, "I am happy. I am healthy. I am filled with abundance. I am a great teacher. I am supported. I am joyful." Saying those things brings a higher vibration and that's what makes you feel good.

Once you're feeling good, then you're more open to the DO part of the equation. Because I was BEing a good teacher, I studied and completed my lesson for class at church tomorrow. So nice to have it completely ready to go. And since I was BEing healthy, I knew just what to DO. A healthy person would get exercise, so I got on my stationary recumbent bike (good thing to do when it's 19 degrees outside!) Following my little virtual ride through the neighborhood, I stepped into the sauna for a little detoxing. While in there I watched a motivational DVD on creating abundance. And because I was BEing abundant, I completed a project I've been working on for some time that I know will create some wealth for me.

It's so nice to BE something and to really feel that it is. In fact, this is the first year that I chose not to make any New Year's resolutions and instead chose to BE what I wanted. I knew that if I chose to BE healthy, then the Dos would follow along. Here is some of what I'm BEing in 2007:

I am healthy
I am a wonderful wife and mother
I am an excellent Rapid Eye Technician
I am enjoying my family's vacation in Hawaii
I am a wonderful teacher
I am loving teaching seminars with my husband
I am organized
I am prepared
I am completing my reading of the New Testament
I am attracting abundance from many sources

What are you BEing in 2007? I'd love to know!



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