Reclaiming their light
It's hard to believe it's been a whole year, but it has. In early January of 2006, my daughter Amy and I embarked on a journey together of training to be Rapid Eye technicians. We both felt drawn to this and were determined to get the process down and start working to help others to experience their pathway being opened to find the healing they were after. It took us out of our comfort zones and challenged us in ways we couldn't have imagined.
Now that I've had nearly a year of working with numerous clients, I can say that I know for certain that I made a good decision. At this point in time, I am working with 6 clients that come to my home office on a weekly basis. One is at the very start of her healing journey, and several others are near the end of this particular part of their path. It is a great privilege for me to be invited to assist them for several months as they choose to let go of things they've held onto that they realize no longer serve their highest good and then become more conscious creators in their lives.
It takes courage to choose something different than the old familiar patterns and beliefs. We humans are masters at stuffing our emotions, thinking that if we shove them deep enough we won't be affected by them. To go through the process of allowing those emotions to come to the surface so that they can be cleaned up is an amazing thing. There are as many reactions to the process as there are people.
Last week I assisted a client through the process of clearing negative energy taken on at birth. This can be a profound experience and a great eye opener when we realize how masterful we've become at living under this birth energy cloud. Once that top layer is released, then we're able to dig a little deeper and see what has blocked us from feeling our value as children of a loving God who created us in His image.
One of my clients found that she really did have great value even though her perceptions of her life experiences had her convinced otherwise. She included this line on the Rapid Eye website, "For the first time in my life I feel that God loves me, I deserve to be happy, and I am as good as anyone else no matter what I do or don't do -- my worth is intrinsic." When we reach that point in our understanding and belief because we are able to see ourselves as God sees us, then we're in wonderful shape to co-create with God the life that we wish to have.
My hat goes off to those who have taken the steps beginning a path to joy. I appreciate the opportunity to witness the transformation as they come to a remembering of their great worth and the power within them to be who they were created to be. I am blessed to be a witness of this reclaiming of their light.
Dear Cristi,
Thanks for reminding everyone of their intrinsic value. It's easy to forget in a world with so much hurt and deceit. When one awakens to their intrinsic value, they also tend to awaken in themselves a value for others. As that cascades into the populace, joy and happiness flourish where pain and suffering once was the norm. I hope many will read your blog and feel inclined to pursue the path you did and learn RET.
Best wishes,
Joseph Bennette
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