My friend Carol's having a sale!

It was just over a year ago that my husband and I started making weekly treks to Carol Tuttle's home for Rapid Eye sessions. We had read her book, Remembering Wholeness, and had already begun to see there was more available in life than we were getting. We were now ready for big shifts in our lives. We have since attended numerous seminars of Carol's and own nearly everything she sells. We pop in one of her CDs quite frequently to remind ourselves that we always have choices and can choose to live in joy. Her materials are very helpful to our family.
Carol is having a holiday special right now. Nearly eveything she sells is 20% off, and if you spend a certain amount she's throwing in a set of DVDs called Becoming a Vibrant Human Being: Learning, Living and Creating from Your Chakras (worth $199). I own this set and find it very informative and helpful.
She also offers a "bundle" called The Whole Kit and Kaboodle. This is a great deal (40% off of what you'd pay if you bought everything individually) and is really quite a steal with the additional 20% taken off.
She sells numerous CDs of live presentations she's given. One in particular that might be of interest right now is Unplug the Christmas Machine. I have found this CD very enlightening and have implemented a number of her ideas for simplifying the holidays.
If you're ready for some changes in your life experience, Carol Tuttle is a wonderful place to start or to continue if you're already on the path. She teaches how to live in greater joy and practices what she preaches.
Click here to go to Carol's website, then click on "store" in the left-hand corner and you'll be well on your way. It's a terrific way to make not only the season, but life, brighter. You can take our word for it!
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