Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Law of Attraction and the Bible

Have you seen the movie "The Secret"? It's been out for just over a year and has caused quite a stir. It teaches and illustrates the Law of Attraction, or in religious vernacular, the Law of the Harvest. Oprah has devoted two full shows recently to the subject, and it's been a best seller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you haven't seen it yet, it's most definitely worth a look. You can watch it online at or order yourself a copy.

I'm a religious person. I hold a belief that God and His son Jesus Christ, created me, the world, and everything in it. I believe He created me in His image and wants me to experience joy while on this earth. I believe that I am a co-creator with Him and that our creating began before my arrival on this earth. I also believe He's still allowing me to create as I go along, and that I am attracting to myself experiences, both positive and negative, that I believe on some level that I need to have.

I believe that my pure and whole spirit, as he created it, knows very well who I really am. My spirit knows and understands this journey and what I need to experience so that I can, in this physical realm, learn and grow and someday return to the God of it's creation. What's going on in my life is not random. I am not a victim of anyone else's behaviors. If I understand the Law of Attraction, as taught in the Bible as well as other modern day religious teachings (although that is not the term used for it), then I understand my accountability and how I can consciously make new choices day by day.

I have been learning and teaching the Law of Attraction for some time now. Because of this, I take full responsibility for all of my past experiences and for those showing up today. My husband, Mike, has too, embraced a full understanding of this law. Like me, he is a very religious person, and has been given a wonderful gift of understanding scripture. Once we were introduced to the law of attraction, we felt that it was familiar. We began to understand it as an eternal principle.

We watched the Secret time and again, and totally "got it" that God was most certainly behind all of our abilities to create. As Mike said at one point, "Of course this whole earth is God's manifestation" and we will attract to ourselves only what He allows because He is ultimately in charge. To us, there was never any question, and we felt that it was implied in all we were hearing.

It seems there had been some rumbling already occurring regarding why God seemed to be "left out" of The Secret. Then when Oprah featured the creators of the movie, and the sales went sky high, the rumblings became tornadoes. Just yesterday I read that a well known author and teacher was calling it "dangerous". When we became aware of these rumblings, Mike and I decided it was time to show that this law really was an eternal principal, that it truly is found throughout the Bible, and that we can use it to create joy in our lives. Hence, the writing of the book The Law of Attraction and the Bible. It will be available within the next couple of days.

For whatever reason, the creators of the movie The Secret did not make it their mission to teach the law of attraction as a particularly religious concept. That is certainly their right, and we hold no animosity towards them. We are very grateful for their presentation that got this law out in such a big way, and we can watch it knowing that it builds on the foundation that we already have that God is in charge, it is only with His blessing and mercy that we can create lives of learning and joy. With love and gratitude, we acknowledge His hand in all things.

Stop by soon for the link to the book. And we invite you to join us for a telecourse on Monday at 11 pm. EST as we discuss this very topic. There will be a question and answer session towards the end of the hour. Go here and sign up. Click on the "events" page for a schedule of all of the topics for the full week. You will find us under the "blue star" on Friday.

"See" you then!



Blogger Tamara said...

Hi Cristi!

I can hardly wait to read Mike's book. What a blessing it will be to millions. You two are amazing.
Thanks for helping to create joy!
Sincerely, Tamara

2:27 PM  

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